Addressing new industry challenges through innovation
As a key player in the stainless steel and high-tech alloys market, we act as a catalyst within a techno-scientific ecosystem, enabling creative interaction between business and science. Working hand-in-hand with our customers to co-design innovative solutions such as near zero carbon stainless steels, our R&D is at the forefront of innovation in materials engineering and the circular economy.
By designing material solutions that balance cost, carbon footprint, durability and strength and building on our powerful manufacturing capabilities, Aperam is enabling major technological advances in such cutting-edge fields as hydrogen production and automotive batteries.

The Partner of Choice for Innovative Game Changers
We recognize our responsibility as a metallurgical expert and producer of stainless steels and specialty alloys. But this responsibility not only involves producing the best possible products and reducing our carbon footprint to near zero, but also advancing our own expertise. For this, we rely on the most innovative applied research and development ecosystems, such as RWTH Aachen University, a recognized center of excellence in material science and engineering. In this way, we can meet our responsibility by designing solutions to support the technological advancements that will enable a carbon-neutral future.
It’s our ambition to be an essential partner in this new world.
Empowering the Energy Transition
The transformation of our entire energy system is a major industrial challenge of unprecedented proportions.
Aperam is addressing this issue with our wide range of very high-quality, low or ultra-low carbon stainless steels, alloys and electrical steels that are validated for the energy transition’s different segments.
By providing our customers with the fruits of our research and engineering in materials and the circular economy, we help them design and scale up the innovations driving this transition. This includes innovations for producing decarbonized and renewable energy, optimizing energy use, and improving the transport and storage of such energy carriers as electricity, hydrogen and e-fuels.
Igniting the Mobility & Transport Revolution
The mobility and transportation sector is facing an unprecedented upheaval, with major technological breakthroughs.
Electric mobility requires the massive production of batteries, high-performance electrical steels, connectors and magnetic components. Similarly, advances in hydrogen mobility require the construction of new industrial production lines for fuel cells, tanks and H2 engines. Finally, the overall decarbonization of transportation is being driven by such innovations as Power-To-X, new fuels and emission reduction technologies.
By combining our materials expertise with a detailed understanding of these new applications, Aperam is developing the stainless steels, electrical steels and special alloys that these technological breakthroughs require.
Offering Reusable, Sustainable and Safe Packaging Solutions
The message is clear, consumers want sustainable products that last longer, require less energy, and that use less packaging – especially plastic packaging. In response, restaurants, grocery stores and delivery services are starting to phase out some common disposable packaging solutions, replacing them with reusable alternatives – including those made from stainless steel.
Aperam regularly works alongside our customers to develop innovative food packaging solutions made from stainless steel with high levels of recycled scrap content, a low carbon footprint, and the ability to be reused over and over again.