Sustainability Report 2023
Aperam announces the publication of its sustainability performance report for 2023 called ‘made for life’.
Built on stakeholder inclusiveness and materiality, this report follows the ‘2021 GRI sustainability standard’. It has been reviewed by an external audit firm to confirm its compliance with the GRI protocol, including the reporting of material sustainability performance on safety results (LTIFR, TRIR and Severity rate), and environment results (CO2e and energy intensity, water withdrawals, and air emissions), including the annual certified carbon removals of our forest.
Aperam is already recognized as an industry leader in sustainability, in particular with the stainless steel sector’s first ResponsibleSteelTM certification earned in 2021 and confirmed in 2023 in Europe, followed by Brazil in 2023. The ResponsibleSteel TM certification covers all the dimensions of Social, Environmental and Corporate responsibility including Stakeholder Engagement.
As a CO2e footprint (Scope 1+2) leading company in our market, we are proud to present the improvement of our results, from 0.32 in 2022 to 0.28 tCO2e/tcs in 2023, ahead of our 2030 goal and well below the sector’s average. This good performance is based on Aperam’s differentiated value chain with three strategic advantages: Firstly, our optimised use of steel scrap in Europe, made possible by the integration of the former ELG, now Aperam Recycling; secondly, the charcoal that replaces extractive coke into our Brazilian Blast Furnaces ; and lastly, the sequestration capabilities of our FSC©-certified forestry management.
The repeat A- rating we received from CDP Climate confirmed the consistency of our approach.
“2023 could have only been a typical, low cycle year but the geopolitical tensions, natural disasters and cost of living crises resulted in higher costs and sluggish demand for Aperam.
Agility being one of our key values and sustainability our early and long-lasting differentiation strategy, in 2023, we remained committed to our social, environmental and societal responsibilities. For 2024, we will continue to grow Aperam Recycling, BioEnergia and Recyco organically, while looking to uncover new sustainable business models”.
Aperam’s complete report is available at under section Sustainability > Essentials > Sustainability Reports. It is composed of the ”made for life report” and the methodology supplements, but also three country supplements to be released at a later stage.