2030 Objectives

Aperam, the world’s greenest stainless steel producer, has targets to significantly reduce its environmental footprint by 2030, and the ambition to become carbon neutral in its European operations by 2050. Aperam is convinced that it can materially improve its environmental performance by following its strategic roadmap considering new technical solutions and the development of public policies.
Social objectivesGroup target
Health & Safety: TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate)<3 in 2026
Employee Satisfaction: Sustainable Engagement (according to our All-Employee Climate Surveys)>80%
Learning & Development: Total learning hours in digital form30% in 2029
Gender diversity for exempt employees30% of women in 2029
Environmental objectivesGroup target by 2030 against 2015
Energy consumption: electricity and natural gas-11%
CO2 emissions: GreenHouse Gas per ton before any offsetting-30%
Dust emissions-70%
Waste & Recycling>97 % (aiming at 100%)
Water consumption-40%