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IMPHY® 625 W shows outstanding corrosion resistance in various media. Special resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. Excellent resistance to fatigue and stress corrosion cracking by chloride ions. Exceptional resistance to intergranular corr...
IMPHY® 625 is a nickel-based austenitic alloy containing chromium and molybdenum. These elements provide excellent corrosion resistance in aqueous, acid and chloride environments, as well as resistance to crevice corrosion. IMPHY® 625 is not susce...
IMPHY® 625 series: The grade IMPHY® 625 is available with variations in chemical composition.
IMPHY® 718 is an age-hardenable Nickel Chromium Alloy with a significant amount of Fe, Nb and Mo and containing lesser amounts of Al and Ti. This alloy combines excellent high strength up to 700°C with good corrosion resistance and excellent welda...
IMPHY® 625 AM, with special chemical composition and cleanliness, is dedicated to the Additive manufacturing requirement.
IMPHY® 718 series : this grade is available with variations in chemical composition. Please contact us.
IMPHY® 718 AM, with special chemical composition and cleanliness, is dedicated to the Additive manufacturing requirement.
IMPHY® 600 is a Nickel Chomium Iron alloy with good oxidation resistance at high temperatures and corrosion resistance to chloride ion stress-corrosion cracking. It also has a good caustic corrosion resistance.
IMPHY® 600 LC is a low cobalt variant of the IMPHY® 600
IMPHY® 601 is a Nickel Chromium Iron alloy with an addition of Al designed for applications requiring exceptional resistance to oxidation and other forms of high temperature corrosion. It also has high mechanical properties at high temperature (up...
IMPHY® N99 has a good mechanical properties within a wide range of temperatures. IMPHY® N99 has also a good thermal, electrical and magnetostrictive properties.
IMPHY® 617 is used for its high temperature strength up to 950 °C. Excellent resistance to a wide range of high temperature corrosive environments.
IMPHY® 617 series : IMPHY® 617 is available with variations in chemical composition. Please contact us.
IMPHY® 22 shows excellent resistance to general corrosion, pitting, crevice corrosion, intergranular attack and stress-corrosion cracking. Optimum resistance to environment where reducing and oxidizing conditions are encountered.
IMPHY® 22 MO LF is a variant of the IMPHY® 22 for the overlay applications
IMPHY® 286 is recommended for any application at high temperature when a high mechanical behaviour is required. Very high strength properties and creep resistance at temperature to about 700°C after aging treatment due to Ti additions. Especial re...
IMPHY® 276 has a good resistance to general corrosion stress corrosion cracking, pitting and crevice corrosion in a broad range of severe environment. Resistance to carbide precipitation during welding.
IMPHY® 82 is a low-carbon low-iron Nickel-Chromium-Niobium alloy which shows: High strength and creep rupture strength at elevated temperatures Good corrosion resistance
IMPHY® 82 series: IMPHY® 82 is available with variations in chemical composition. Please contact us.
IMPHY® 72 is an austenitic Nickel-Chromium alloy. Due to its high Chromium content, it presents an excellent corrosion resistance at high temperature. It includes in severe atmospheres containing Sulphur or Vanadium oxides.
IMPHY® 62 is a Nickel –Chromium Alloy with addition of Niobium. IMPHY® 62 shows an excellent resistance to high temperature oxidation.
IMPHY 92 is a Nickel-Chromium alloy which shows high strength due to Ti addition that makes it age-hardenable and good corrosion resistance in a wide range of temperature (cryogenic to 950°C).
IMPHY® 686 is an austenitic Alloy for high corrosion resistance. IMPHY® 686 allows outstanding resistance to corrosive media under oxidizing and reducing conditions. It is thanks to the association of its high Chromium level with Molybdenum and T...
IMPHY® 686 series: IMPHY 686 is available with variations in chemical composition. Please contact us.
IMPHY® 825 is a Ni Fe Cr Alloy showing a particularly high resistance against numerous corrosion environments. it has a high content of Ni and Cr and to significant additions of Mo and Cu. IMPHY® 825 presents an outstanding resistance in pitting...
IMPHY® 800 is a Nickel Chromium Iron alloy. It is used when resistance to oxidation, carburization and other type of high temperature corrosion is needed. IMPHY® 800 presents a good corrosion resistance to many aqueous media and a good resistance...
IMPHY® 800 H – HC are aNickel Chromium Iron alloy (Ti+Al). They are used when greater resistance to stress rupture and creep, especially for T > 816°C is required.
IMPHY® NCW is a low carbon low iron Ni Cr Mo alloy, with a composition similar to IMPHY® 625 but free of Nb, which shows particular resistant to hot cracking.
IMPHY® X is a Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloy. Dissimilar welding of IMPHY® X to other Nickel alloys, stainless steels, carbon steels and low-alloy steels. Outstanding strength and oxidation resistance at temperatures up to 1200°C (2200°F)
IMPHY® GILPHY 80 has a good high temperature stability and a welladhering oxide scale even under cyclic conditions. IMPHY® GILPHY 80 has a maximum service temperature of 1200°C.
IMPHY® GILPHY series: The grades IMPHY® GILPHY are available in various chemical compositions. Please contact us
RESISTOHM is an alloy of 80% nickel and 20% chromium, making it the best known resistive alloy. It contains rare earth additions for increased resistance to oxidation, especially under conditions of frequent switching or wide temperature fluctuati...
RESISTOHM 60 is an excellent choice for heating elements operating at a temperature up to 1100°C.
Resistohm 135 is a ferritic alloy of the FeCrAl family, which can be used as heating element of resistance up to 1200°C. It must be used in a dry environment in order to avoid rust because this is not a stainless alloy. Elements realised with this...
RESISTOHM 125 is a ferritic alloy of the FeCrAl family, which can be used at temperatures up to 1200°C.
RESISTOHM 200 / 200 T has very good characteristics of malleability and solderability. Moreover it has an excellent resistance to corrosion.
RESISTOHM 201 is used for replacement of Nickel 200 when very high qualities of malleability are required.
RESISTOHM 212 preserves all the particularities of pure nickel but has been light strenghtened with an addition of manganese.
RESISTOHM 40CB has similar physical and electrical characteristics as RESISTOHM 40, except that RESISTOHM 40CB benefits from a specific addition of Columbium (1%).
RESISTOHM 40 has a high temperature coefficient. It allows it a speeder rise in temperature than the other NiCr.
Its high chromium percentage (30%) gives RESISTOHM 70 a very good life time in the furnace applications. Elements in RESISTOHM 70 have also a satisfactory life time when operating atmosphere is alternatively oxidizing and reducting.
RESISTOHM 20 is placed at the limit between heat resistant alloys and stainless steels. It can be used for heating elements at low temperature, or as cold connections of a furnace.
RESISTOHM 140 can reach very high use temperature. It is particularly useful for heating elements of industrial furnaces where a high heating rate is necessary. Resistohm 140 provides outstanding durability at high temperatures up to 1280°C. &nbs...
RESISTOHM 145 is a ferritic alloy of the FeCrAl family. It can be used up to 1300°C in case of big diameters.
RESISTOHM Y is an Iron-Chromium-Aluminium alloy with a content of Yttrium, It has a very good behavior to creeping. In addition, RESISTOHM Y has a very good life-time, especially, at very high temperature and with important thermal cycles. ...
Thermocouple type E has the highest EMF output per degree of all the referenced thermocouples.
RESISTOHM 30 presents the same applications fields as Resistohm 40. RESISTOHM 30, with a little lower resistivity which imposes a maximum operating temperature of 1000°C and a higher ventilation as for RESISTOHM 40.