
Thanks to our range of state-of-the-art welding and cutting machines, we can produce the grade, wall thickness and diameter that your automotive or construction project demands.

We produce stainless steel tubes for the automotive industry and polished stainless steel tubes for the construction industry – all of which meet the exact specifications of our customers.

Each of our ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14000 and OSHAS 18001 certified production plants are equipped with the latest welding and cutting technologies to produce a wide range of grades, wall thicknesses and diameters. With a focus on agility and flexibility, we strive to achieve zero PPM and 100% on-time delivery.

Our Product Range

Our range of cut, long, manipulated and deco tubes are available in both ferritic and austenitic grades and from stock or production. We can also manufacture tubes tailored to your specifications and needs.

Our Product Range
Our Product Range


Business has never been so simple!

Aperam is committed to ensuring our customers have the materials they demand when and where they need them. That’s why we launched e-aperam, our intuitive, 24/7 online shopping platform. Not only can you place your next order for stainless steels in just three steps, you can also check the material’s mill certificate of quality, invoice and other order-related documents. Get started today!


Our Markets

Our stainless steel tubes offer the fluid transfer, corrosion resistance, structural strength and aesthetic appeal needed to serve a variety of applications in the automotive, chemical, food processing, heating, pulp and paper, construction and catering industries.

Our Markets
Our Markets

Our Services


Unmatchable expertise in all things welding related.


Our global team of experts is ready to help ensure the feasibility of your project.


Cut and long tubes, manipulated tubes (perforated, bent, end-formed, notched, etc.) and decotubes (ornamental, decorative).


Our dedicated logistics team prioritizes short lead times (just 48 hours) and quality of service.


We always keep our standard products in stock.


Aperam Stainless Services
& Solutions Tubes CZ s.r.o.

Předlická 453/26
400 01 Ústí nad Labem
Czech Republic

+477 757 101
+477 775 108 (HR department)

Aperam Stainless Services
& Solutions Tubes Automotivos (VCP)

Av Mercedes Benz, 679 – Distrito Industrial
13054-750 – Campinas

+55 19 3578-0170

Aperam Stainless Services
& Solutions Tubes Industriais e Decorativos (RP)

Rodovia Indio Tibiriça, km 50, Barro Branco
09431-600 Ribeirao Pires – SP

+55 11 4822-7003

A Product
for Every Application

Ready to start working on a tailor-made solution backed by an industry-leading commitment to long-term support? Our experts are standing by and ready to help you choose the right Aperam products for your specific needs.