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Aperam offers a number of products for temperature control applications, including magnetic alloys (PHYTHERM Curie point), thermostatic bimetals and thermocouples (sensors and compensation cables).
Thermocouple type E has the highest EMF output per degree of all the referenced thermocouples.    
Thermocouple Type J is frequently used for its low cost and high EMF. It can be used in oxidizing conditions up to 760°C. For higher temperatures, it is recommended to use large wire diameters.    
Thermocouple Type K is the most commonly used thermocouple for measuring high temperatures, providing the widest operating temperature range from – 200 ° to + 1260 °C. It usually works in most applications, which include industrial heat treatments...
Thermocouple Type N  has been developed with silicon content which provides: • Much longer life due to improved oxidation resistance of the negative NN leg • Longer exposure to high temperature without gradual drift EMF • Better reliability of EMF...
IMPHY® R series: have the same physical properties as the AS bimetals; however, the active member is harder. Their thermal deflection is highly stable.
IMPHY® AS series are bimetals available in a wide range of variants. What they have in common is a focus on a large temperature range.  
IMPHY® 108SP series are thermally the most active bimetal types. They are principally used in case where large deflection is required.  They are used when  a moderate temperature change of a small active length is needed.  
IMPHY® IN540 bimetal finds very wide application regarding its corrosion resistance, and is suitable for use in contact with water or steam atmosphere.  
Bimetal components are used  in the manufacture of bonded thermostat metal strips and can also be supplied.  
PHYTHERM 260 is suitable for cookware for induction cooking. The maximum working temperature is controlled by an adapted ferromagnetic alloy with a specific Curie point. Thanks to PHYTHERM 260, the magnetic base stops getting hotter once the Curie...
PHYTHERM 55 is an iron-nickel soft magnetic alloy  

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